Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Here are some of the Owlys I made for Gifts...

these are before they get stuffed full and stitched up. My Etsy shop is empty of Owls, so I will take a break for a couple of days and then I must keep going. I am fighting the urge to fire up the machine right now.

I promised the kids we would go to see Tangled today and maybe go to the museum...

sometimes, I just wanna sew!

I have been listening to Broken Social Scene and Future Trends a lot. Also, Dead Man's Bones. I can't seem to shake that one loose.

What I have been searching for is a fine Otis Redding LP...

I love you! Talk later!

where love grows

This is my work desk. As you can see, I have two habits I haven't been able to shake- they get me through some arduous projects. Diet Coke and Smokes.

I have inspiration galore and I love to sit at this art table and create. It's where it all starts, where ideas become actions! I am sitting here right now as I type this. Hannah is laying on the bed watching the Heffalump movie. My sewing machine rests behind me with a well deserved break.

The Holidays are always busy, but when I start each day at this table with prayer and meditation, nothing seems too hectic or to unforgiving. When Jesus died for me, he took all that with him. All I have to do is thank him and praise him! I can do that by using the gifts he gave me and being kind and giving to the world. I hope I am doing a good job!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

This is Owly SpaceStar!

I made her out of scrap fabric. I suspect she likes David Bowie the most. Born 12-14-10.

Don't you want to ask her how she got the Stars in her eyes?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Owl City

I haven't posted in a bit cos i have been working on many projects!

These are my Owls from Owl City.

I recently opened an Etsy shop and these Owls are all for sale there. I am also making these for Christmas gifts!

I have made soooo many....they are made from repurposed and new materials. I love each one, so it's hard to put them up, but I also don't want to work at my job a whole heck of a lot, so I am working on extra income for the kid activities and what not. Also, I want some music equipment and the cashola for it is hard to come by. :)

I am gonna post some more creations when I get the pictures ready...light is so important!

i love mermaids!

We are the resident band at MOTR next month...that's pretty fantastic, dontcha think!