Blood & Bone from Keith Neltner on Vimeo.
Monday, October 17, 2011
what are you so afraid of?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Neltner's Farm Fall Festival

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Following Dreams Around

This is Will's Robot he painted. When all the homework and chores are done, we go upstairs and make things. Each of them has a small table set up with paints and paper and fabric, They are allowed to make whatever they want to! Sometimes, they draw. Other times, they want to learn how to sew or paint and we do it together. I love it that they are like this- that their imaginations spin and whirl, they want to pull out those ideas and make them real. That's the best part of being a parent, the time we spend being ourselves, no yelling, no struggles, we just do something we all love together and enjoy each others company. Those moments spent are what makes 3 hours of math homework not so enraging.
Like all parents, I would like to think I am guiding and teaching my children in the ways of the world. More often, they are the ones teaching me- how to be patient and kind even when I want to scream! I have learned how to provide healthy meals, clean up our home, balance a checkbook, make better decisions for myself and them. I am more adept at choosing what's important over what's fun. I don't know if you can instill that in them any other way than by doing it myself.
I am leaving my job at Starbucks to be a full time mom and a full time fabric artist. The decision did not come easy and where there is change there is fear. I think Steve Jobs said it so well when he said your heart and intuition already know who you are. I want to follow my dreams! Please wish me luck on this endeavor, keep us lifted up in prayer and keep us in mind if you know anyone who would love a gift from a local artist. This is gonna be fun!
James 1:5, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." (NLT)