Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Awesome Momhood

Happy Mother's Day! 
I have an amazing mom, I hope you do, too!
Here's my fantastic son making his own concoction, a recipe involving 
hot dogs and sausages skewered on linguine
and boiled to perfection. 
The outcome-
they looked kinda like weird monsters and all plates were clean!

Our Chef Will!

What an idea!

The process...

Hannah's Author Party

Will > Peeta

Waking up to this everyday is a blessing!

We watch a lot of Regular Show together. It is one of our favorites. Hannah does a perfect rendition of Muscle Man's "MY MOM!"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey! Look what I saw...

ROBOT Inside is available at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Rookwood.
Wouldja look at that?! 
Who would have thought that when I started making these little Owls and Monsters and Mermaids for gifts that 2 short years later, they'd be nestled in a vintage suitcase, on display at JB?

 Not I. Not the ROBOT. 

My friend, Molly, did the set up! Isn't she fantastic?

Owls and Monsters and Mermaids, oh my!

That one got all turned around!

I love seeing them all happy in their suitcase!

Mermaids love Monsters! did you know that?

Friends with books about making friends...

Even Keith Neltner/Rob Warnick Art Owl bags are available there!

You should go say hi!
Proverbs 16:24, "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." (ESV)