Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I want to Believe

I am thinking about the power of letting someone else take the lead. Surrender is hard, I ask for a redo everyday. With God, maybe he expects it. With my family, maybe they have come to expect it, too? I swim in a happy ocean where the waves crashing the shore bring a multitude of emotions. The effect and cause of it all is enough to send my head swirling...lifting up and falling down. 
 I am a ferris wheel, tall, majestic. I've seen a lot of folks come and go, watched many a rider joyous and terrified. Seen love blossom, watched others fall. My great heights feel limitless to me, but from the outside looking in, you know I am rotating around the same axis and always will. I am well built & beautifully hand crafted & will last a long time if I'm taken care of. The older I get, the more I know I am a staple, a classic, not just a novelty. 

 I am a Mermaid, strong and curious. I explore great depths then come to the surface to play! Spot me splashing in the waves, I am elusive..
 and somewhat predictable. Believing in me may require some faith and dreaminess. Deep down you want to, rationally you know it's a risk. Have hope! 
 With Love all things are possible. 
 With Love ideas are born, dreams are real. I can use gifts to make gifts. So can you..
Loving everyone is a challenge- not everyone makes it easy to Love them. The difficult ones take time and patience. I do Love watching others grow into the people they want to be, leaving the people they used to be in the dust.  
 I have known you my whole life. only now, I know your heart. 
 The colors of my life are always changing with my moods, with the seasons. 
 My eyes have been opened.
 My Heart has been transformed.
 Courage came when I needed it most and stayed.
 There are more ideas, more dreams, more songs, more sewing...
 I wonder what your dreams look like. I wonder what our world is doing. I wonder about the changes and the not changing. I am awed and inspired by everything I see.
 Thank God for the writers, for the artists, for the love of craft and skill and gifts. They are my people, my joy, my encouragement, my laughter.
 I bear witness to the others who follow their passion, we don't know where it will take us, there are no guarantees. We work hard, we struggle and then we celebrate together the small victories!

1 Peter 4:8, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." (NIV 1984)

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