Thursday, June 18, 2009

things i fell in love with just today...

empire of the sun ,cos i just got the whole album, so my ipod, too, cos i finally know how to use it correctly...kind of!
hannah pretending she is a puppy, barking and wanting me to sniff her and kiss her by licking her
my ex & I being friends again & being friends with his wife...
being in a long distance book reading Everything is illuminated and blood meridian by cormac's not all the pretty horses, but i'm still drawn to it....
charles fort, who i have been calling charles roth for whatever reaon. I came up with tim roth doing a mean charles starkweather in "murder in the heartland" and combining those two names perhaps.....
"dancing queen" by abba, playing loudly in my kitchen while hannah & i dance and sing and will watched on, laughing
darth vader voice changer!!!! and having 2 so I get to play, too!
vincent dinafrio
new order
having good friends come home...
painting space ships, layered and majestic!
the possibilities of all that lies ahead...
cos you don't know the power of the dark side can only be countered with...
shooofly, don't bother me, shoofly, don't bother me!

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