Monday, November 26, 2012

Wolf the Artist

Wolf the Artist From Apocalypse Back

Art by Wolfgang Carver
Words by Lisa Carver

I have been told that I see the world through different eyes. I can be rather childlike in observations of my surroundings and I can get caught staring at the stars sometimes too long, wondering what's up there, out there and how I can know without having to be a scientist or an astronomer or an extraterrestrial researcher. Sometimes, I float around in this world of ours, ignoring what's defined as important and I can forget to vacuum or change the cat boxes...I long for more time to drift, but I get bogged down by the laundry or phone calls or opening small businesses.

Wolfgang Carver does not get bogged down. From birth, his mind has been immersed in nature and the beauty and darkness of it. I remember when Wolf came into the world, a child born from creative and sometimes tortured minded artists. I did wonder what this boy would be like and waited for his mom, Lisa, to share about him, his life and not being a mom myself yet, I wanted to see how someone I related to raised her child. You see, I wasn't so sure I wanted to be a mom and I really wasn't sure I was capable. When I eventually did become one, I used Lisa as a point of reference- if she could, I could. And it could be done differently.

What I didn't know at the time was the special arrangement Wolf was born with, that he had chromosomes that were missing something, that he would be very different from the rest of us. That can be such a scary prospect for a parent, challenging and overwhelming. For Wolf, it meant operations and a feeding tube and to quote Lisa "a rather eerie lack of balance/depth perception, so he can never quite orient himself, always feels like he's about to fall over". For Lisa, it meant a long road of appointments, doctors and fighting a system designed to fail. Like she does, Lisa figured out a different way for Wolf. 

From Apocalypse Back is the story of Wolf.
 Simple, beautiful, better than the rest of us. 
Wolf's art is made up of the delicate, 
the disastrous, 
a fantasy mixed with the purest reality.
 Aliens, Sasquatch, the Apocalypse,
 Jesus and Eden, Hamsters Underground,
 the Night People....

all the creations of 
Wolf's imagination 
play a part in his story. 

As Wolf puts it, "I'm really excited this week because I'm going to go see some sheep. They're cute, gentle. Nice creatures. I would like to make beds for them. I'd shear them every once in awhile, feed them, play with them. I draw sheep at night. I get scared that I'll have nightmares, so I try to think about sheep, and then I have happy dreams sometimes."

Lisa and Wolf

Initially, I read the book and just cried. and cried. Mostly out of the painful reality that I am just incredibly selfish and self centered, hence the selfish cry!
 Next, I read it again and again, trying to put my finger on the feeling I was having. 
Finally, I sat with the book and enjoyed every moment, I turned the pages slowly, washing away my smorgasbord reading technique where I devour everything too quickly and remember nothing later.  

That's when it happened...
Every illustration rose off the page and danced in 
front of me 
like a drive in movie, 
Lisa's words played 
like a teacher in story time, 
only better because 
she was in love with the words. 
I fell so in love 
with this 

When Wolf sees a Van Gogh for the first time and relates to his love of nature, 
thinking he has found a kindred spirit, only to find he is dead, he wants to bring hay and flowers and caterpillars to his grave. 

Wolf makes a Facebook profile to see if there is anyone else out there like him. In the About Wolfgang part, he writes "I want to talk about realistic things. Animals, ghosts, life on other planets, hole in the ozone and how it can effect the weather and the world. And how Jesus' life was. Maybe you know something I don't about these things. I'm curios where Eden might be."

This is one of Wolf's Bigfoot drawings. I think he likes Bigfoot. 

Wolf and Sadie

Wolf: I'd like to be raised by frogs.

Sadie: It's impossible. You can only be raised by things bigger than you.

Wolf: Better frogs than alligators!
 I could make a mud igloo my size from observing my parents dig in the mud.

Sadie: The bad part is you wouldn't know to wear any clothes.

Wolf: And if i didn't have scissors, I would be hairy all the time. The frogs probably wouldn't mind, though. 

When I asked Lisa why wolf wanted to do the book, this is what she told me...
" Wolf wanted to do the book to help other kids with disabilities 
to work through it and feel good." 

Wolf sees the world for the beauty it is. 
He isn't bogged down by what you think. Or even by what he thinks.

We define Wolf as disabled when really,
 he is more capable than I have ever dreamed of being.
 An ambassador for the small things, the lovely things, the thoughts we  so easily let fall away and replace with new electronics, less important things. 
I feel like this book changed me from the minute I took it out of the envelope. 

Everyone should read this book, everyone.

Here's how you can buy this book...

or at

"I feel like this touched a place inside of me that I don't know, it was like this hidden corner I didn't know about. A raw place. but not a bad place, a really lovely place that I think resides somewhere inside of all of us. Wolf just lives it everyday while the rest of us bury it so deep under consumerism." -what i wrote to Lisa about the book

Thursday, August 30, 2012

(Go ahead and say it...
where the heck have I been? 
Summer & life consumed my every thought & action. I swam & watched kids play, I sewed a little, I even did a couple of craft shows. I played some music. 
What I did not do is write here or share 
any of it with you...
That is changing as of today.
I need you.)

Have you ever had one of those days? 
The ones where your kid breaks out the window of a neighbor's mini van with his slingshot, 
which, in reality,
 is actually your slingshot?

How do you react?
I will tell you how I reacted.
It wasn't pretty. 
I yelled.
I said the "F" word.
I thought about the $200 it was gonna cost.
Then I thought about the things I wanted
 that $200 could buy.....
a keyboard amp!
a new serger!
a whole new wardrobe!

Then I knew I had screwed up.
My quick, angry reaction 
meant I had missed an opportunity
to teach my children
not to 
so quick
to anger


Today, I will try my very best not to 
stomp my feet.
I will do the laundry & the dishes with a happy heart because a wise friend once told me...
if you can't be happy washing the dishes,
you can't be happy.
I want to be happy.
So, I am.

Good news!
The Mitchells
are recording an album!
Here's a taste of what's to come...

Galatians 5:16-17, "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." (NIV)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Inspiration Strikes!

Here's a few of my latest obsessions and I'm not gonna lie, inspiration for a few new pieces for 

Robot Inside as well....

Dire Brew t-shirt

Ok, this fabric company kind of rocks my should check out Spoonflower.

I have been so super busy being a mom that I have really put my blog and my etsy shop and pretty much the whole world on hold. I haven't quite figured out how to do it all, so I decided to do what was most important and that is spend time with the kiddos. School starts in 3 weeks and my days will be mine again. That's when I'll start posting here weekly and showing you what I am making...

Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will." (NIV)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Things Change

I have a confession to make. Change weirds me out. I haven't written on my blog in a bit. One morning, I opened blogger and my nicely managed everyday blogger interface had changed. The setup was different, the way to post was different, I couldn't just open my page and see what I wanted to see. So, I closed the page and let my frustration at learning something new take over the need to write everyday. All of the pictures I had taken to upload were just sitting on my camera, waiting. All the thoughts that usually careen around my head, bouncing off the corners, just waiting to be poured out here, waited. My mom said why aren't you writing on as the snow fell? I thought I didn't have anything to write. The truth is I was scared of the changes and I let fear rule me for awhile. 

A morning went by, then many mornings and I read my devotionals and then checked my FB and email, then I close the laptop and go about my day. Months of not writing is now built up and I this morning, it hits me. Maybe I am ready for some change. 

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths ... I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16 (NIV)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Awesome Momhood

Happy Mother's Day! 
I have an amazing mom, I hope you do, too!
Here's my fantastic son making his own concoction, a recipe involving 
hot dogs and sausages skewered on linguine
and boiled to perfection. 
The outcome-
they looked kinda like weird monsters and all plates were clean!

Our Chef Will!

What an idea!

The process...

Hannah's Author Party

Will > Peeta

Waking up to this everyday is a blessing!

We watch a lot of Regular Show together. It is one of our favorites. Hannah does a perfect rendition of Muscle Man's "MY MOM!"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey! Look what I saw...

ROBOT Inside is available at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Rookwood.
Wouldja look at that?! 
Who would have thought that when I started making these little Owls and Monsters and Mermaids for gifts that 2 short years later, they'd be nestled in a vintage suitcase, on display at JB?

 Not I. Not the ROBOT. 

My friend, Molly, did the set up! Isn't she fantastic?

Owls and Monsters and Mermaids, oh my!

That one got all turned around!

I love seeing them all happy in their suitcase!

Mermaids love Monsters! did you know that?

Friends with books about making friends...

Even Keith Neltner/Rob Warnick Art Owl bags are available there!

You should go say hi!
Proverbs 16:24, "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." (ESV)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

here's love...

These are just a few of the projects keeping me busy lately!
Frappasaurus for KTC Starbucks!

Tribute display for KTC Starbucks

Custom Owl Bag

My awesome new tags by Jacquie Ross

Love, love, love this fabric!

Hello pockets!

I seriously love this bag! She did, too...

Custom Halo 3 ODST bag (sold) Get a custom t-shirt bag! They are awesome!

Fish Bag!

Owl Always Love You Owl Tote

Catch loves fabric!

These are the Robots Inside!

Starfire Project Birds! Wait til you see our Bird Tree!

Sketch for a custom painted tire cover...

Earth Day Board for KTC STarbucks

These are the greatest meditation pillows in the world!

If you have a hurty back like I do, there is nothing like a buckwheat filled pillow! 

Custom Meditation Pillow for Brian- he Loves it! 
I do many kinds of custom work...right now, I am painting a hard shell tire cover for some friends, making custom mediation pillows (you can pick your color scheme), transforming gently used video game shirts into bags and, of course, making Owls galore!
In the works...TARDIS pillows (big ones), more Mermaids and Monsters, Aprons, lots of Burlap flag Buntings and an all new project involving old CD covers and tiles....

you can see what I am up to at the Crafty Supermarket on May 5th at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center or at OTR Celebration in Over-the-Rhine at the City Flea on May 19th.

I have been obsessively listening to the Cowboy Junkies and playing with my band, The Mitchells.
You can go to our Facebook page and listen to our latest show in it's entirety...

or just do it here!

(But you should still go like our page)
We play at Northside Tavern April 28th with the always fantastic Cletus Romp for their CD release show....come see!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

As I am...

No matter how much I want to run sometimes, run fast and far and never look behind me, running takes me backwards. I know that doesn't make sense. Running should propel me forward. I long to sprint in the opposite direction and put all of the fears in my life long behind me. When I run, I illuminate the fears, I make them bigger than me, stronger than me. What am I running to?
No feelings, no love, no hate, no sadness, no anything.
A void, the comfortable hole where it feels like nothing changes.
That hole will suck me up and savor me.
I will get to use to the feeling of nothing and curl up there, like a baby in a womb. I will think it is safe, but I know better.
It's trickery, the way my mind opposes my living.
The way misery feels like comfort.
The way tears taste like etouffe.
It isn't real. It's my play place. After 3 days of it, my heart longs for something more and I snap out of it, the victimized, martyrized me fades.
I am not Joan of Arc, I am not a revolutionary,
I am just me.
Today, that will have to be enough.
No pretending, no fantasizing,
just plain old me,
sewing stuff.
Painting stuff.
Stuffing stuff.
Writing stuff.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Craft Menagerie 2012

After a building anticipation that super charged my energy levels to all new proportions & kept me from sleeping for days, the early morning hours of Saturday, March 3rd, finally arrived with a bang! I loaded up my car with my favorite photographer, Will Ross, and we headed out the door. Arnold's welcomed us with a smile and much needed caffeine and we set about transforming the courtyard from Bockfest dining hall to Craft Extravaganza ready!

The stage was set, the crafters started arriving and the day began full tilt on swings! 

Uber Mustachios

Mommy & Daughter 

Katie & Christy

Heath and Stephanie

Great crowd!

Self Portrait of the Photographer

Traveling Gypsy Family

Rock Ladies

Natalie, Rachel & Zach

Mustache Impressarios

Ovenfried Beads



Linda L

Flora Sun


Emily Lyn

Warnick Art

Keith Neltner of Neltner Creative

Keith Neltner & Rob Warnick

ROBOT Inside

Copyright Propaganda

Ceci & Cela

Paper Acorn

imagine gnats
It was a pretty exceptional day! 
Send your pictures, I 'd love to see them!
Stay tuned for the next Craft Menagerie and in the meantime, shop local, support local artisans and have some fun!

John 13:34, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (NIV 1984)